Saturday, May 16, 2020

Greater Taladas

I based this off the boxed-off map in the cardboard sheets:

I moved the main Rainward and Baltch off to the east - mostly northeast, to chill down their climates some. There can be more nondescript isles in between - the "cursed isles", because they suffer more from the Hitehkel. I also pushed the Upper Panak more north, putting some "wastes" south of them. These can host more Ring Mountain if you like.

I didn't touch all that swampy subtropical jungle south and southeast, and I left the Indanalis alone, basically because I didn't get around to that region, nor did I see much point. More deliberate is that I didn't touch two of the three detail-maps: the one in the box [shaded] and the one in DLA1 [to its east]. And DLA2's south-Steam coast remains intact - for what that's worth, which is little to me, but retains canon for DLA2's players.

But you'll see I did expand the Steamwall westward, between DLA2 and DLA1. I wasn't particular on how wide; my map is about half the width of a 21" / 210-mile inset map, so adds, what, a hundred miles - but can assuredly be widened further by you, Dungeon Master. Here's where, finally, we can install that outpost Brilmantar which DLA1-2 forgot. Blackwater Glade is also a little wider, and the Tidewater longer to fit (but not wider). And don't think that Thenol has any hold on the southern parts of this. Was anyone hot for a elf three-way between hulder, cha'asi, and roughly Armachnesti-aligned shoal-elves? Here y'all go!

Mostly what is expanded is the Tamire and Lower Panak, inasmuch as there's a difference. I always thought the Taladian Outback wasn't enough. 'Course, there are those who say that's because there is not enough here for adventurers. I'd counter that the goblin villages offer spelunking opportunities, and I've expanded the scope of the ring mountains to boot.

UPDATE 7/27/21: Yeah I always knew this was ugly. To fix that - Tiderun: northwest. This frees the Tamire to run nicely east-west. They get more room if we kick out the superfluous Panak, more still if we expand the northeast to make a bay of the eastern sea.

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