Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Not out of India

There was some fuss made, maybe around early 2013, that Indians got to Australia. I wasn't about to rule it out of hand - Indians did manage to navigate for quite some distance west and east - but I always wondered, how come Java didn't get there first. Java is, like, right there.

Some genetics are in from modern Australians (h/t Razib). The researchers first had to clear out the 59% of Australian male DNA which is, er, R1b like me. Also the Indonesians who'd been exploring (and screwing around) the northern coast around the same time as the Dutch. Those true Australians left behind were a small sample. But big enough to note that the "Indian" DNA was a lot older than 2000 BC.

In fact it's not Indian at all, it's New Guinean from the deepest Stone Age. Which did admittedly get to the region from India... eventually, and mostly by foot.

The Solutrean-ish revolution in more-recent Australia, also, did happen. It's just that it was New Guinean over the Torres Strait too, like their more primitive ancestors.

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