Saturday, May 30, 2020

The origins of the present mass-homicide

It's been over a month since I last rapped atcha 'bout the 'Rona. So:

We're getting a picture on how we got here. Genetics show it is from one February Chinese lineage, and several Euro lineages, whence the real spread began.

COVid-19 broke out sporadically in the US from November to January, but these were among people who didn't get out and about much. Otherwise the numbers stayed near-negligible. After DJT imposed his travel ban to/from China (a good idea in isolation), 40000 American citizens had to get back home. They came without quarantine. Then, this Administration sent the right drug to the wrong places. And yeah, for those insulated as well as DJT, mask-wearing would be symbolic.

And this Administration isn't done being negligently deadly. Fauci is striking a new tune, that masks are "symbolic". And the White House is now saying it's okay to sing in a choir again. You could believe That Guy On TV... or you could believe papers like this one and academics like these, or just basic sense.

Donald John Trump deserves to lose this November. Our problem is his likely opposition.

Once the influx came, mostly to large (Democrat) cities, their governors like Cuomo and Whitmer sent the sick to those nursing-homes. They made a bad situation almost twice as bad, 140% as bad to be more-exact.

If I were a cynic this might have been done to blacken Trump's name, 140% more than the orangeman had done to it himself. And it might be done to raise the apparent IFR: this could cause panic, for that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. (An opportunity taken, Kotkin adds.) Further, the affected population is the elderly, which still skews white and even if not in a nursing-home (and dead) yet, they can be moved against Trump by fear. Their IFR is much higher than 1%.

Once again, me lads: the Stupid Party and the Evil Party.

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