Thursday, February 3, 2022

AD 252-383: Hopewell

The Hopewell Culture precedes the so-called "First" Nations by some centuries. This precedes even Cahokia down Mississip'. Hopewell clustered up in Ohio. Until... it didn't.

It now seems that a meteor got 'em. [ht. Reynolds] The timespan is AD 252–383 so, you know, not "1500 years ago" which made me leap at Justinian's Flea.

As for the locals: the Miami people, who like Wyoming (and Ghana) did not come from where the present map puts them, recall a "serpent" from the heavens. The Shawnee and Ottawa also might remember this.

The Maya were literate around this time but they did not recall this - unless indirectly. Also I know not if there was record in the Roman Imperium; I understand that life was pretty nasty over there, and the historiography isn't well-preserved.

CORRECTION 3/29: Colavito points out that, despite my framing, this comet (if any) was more like Thera upon Knossos. It was contemporary with Hopewell but Hopewell limped on afterward, falling for other reasons. And... we must say "if any". Some of this is contested.

IT'S CRAP 8/9/23: Kevin Nolan et al. are Refuting the sensational claim of a Hopewell-ending cosmic airburst. h/t Colavito.

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