Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Were the Nazis racist?

Caryn Elaine Johnson, who goes by "Whoopi Goldberg", said some things about actual Goldbergs. Accurate things, I'll argue here - filtered through her worldview. The accurate part is... genetics. The inaccurate part is where the NSDAP dogma touched upon her own genome.

Johnson/Goldberg owns some European DNA but, not much; her father's Y-DNA isn't Levantine, but it might not descend from Christian Scandinavia, either. Most of Johnson's DNA is West African. Most of this clade broke from the rest of Africa what, 100000 BC. Jews and Christians in Europe, as of 1939, were a mix of Levantine DNA with some West European, going more Slavic as you get to my particular ancestry (there's even some Burmese in there). All of us share even less Africa than Johnson has Europe. We broke off in the 60s kBC. We're even part Neander.

When Johnson says that the Nazis weren't racist, what she is really saying is that NSDAP racism isn't her problem.

An analogy would be to what extent any nonAfricans care about Black On Black Crime. All the Right bloviators now flatulating about what Johnson is saying should consider, very hard, to what extent they ever cared about that latter (or about abortion). I mean: where not coupled with a sneer at the "Movement For Black Lives".

On to whether the NSDAP in power should be Johnson's problem. Jesse Owens is a meme but then, I expect y'all knew that already, so we'll move on.

Afro-Germans existed. The Nuremberg Laws applied, and Hitler himself had expressed some comments back in Mein Kampf over a decade earlier. (And sterilisation hit them harder, although that might just be le Disparate Impact.) But as WW2 shifted to North Africa I understand that the Germans started making nice with the local "Kaffirs" like Franco had done already.

Note I did not assert that the NSDAP in power wasn't racist at all. The darkest mark, if you will, against its practice was on how it treated Afro-French, captured in war. The famed racial hierarchy put them down around where Jews were at. So, when the war was being lost, the NSDAP quit feeding or delousing the Afro-French it had in its camps. Sometimes I dispute Wikipedia's factoids; not today. Although: keep in mind that these were those blacks, almost all foreign, who had actively fought the Reich. Contrast such Jews as had not fought the Reich but got locked up in Dachau anyway. Overall I agree: this is where Johnson needs to educate herself.

We cannot make Johnson care. We might consider helping Johnson think. If a gang murders people of a rival, but similar gang; how will it likely treat people from even less similar gangs, when it's done...?

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